Wednesday 11 November 2015

Criteria D

Under Self Evaluation Post -Reflection on Criteria A 

Reflection on the research of printers
In this essay I research about printers. To be more specific about the history the types of printers and etc. We had to post all our research on blogger. I enjoyed this a lot because I got to explore about printers and learned many new things. I found it difficult when we had to find information about impact printer sand non- impact printers. There are not many websites that provided information about advantages and disadvantages. The thing that worked well the most is that I managed my time well since I missed a lesson and I submitted my work on time.The essay would be better id I had added more pictures and diagrams and decrease the amount of text to make it appealing and suitable to read.

Reflection on Tinker CAD tutorials
We had to explore tinker CAD and use the tutorials to develop or understanding. I enjoyed this because I have never used it before and it was very interesting and fun. I got to learn about designing 3D objects. I found it difficult to adjust the shapes because it was my first time and I was slightly confused but later I got the hang of it. The things that went well was I could successfully finish all the tutorials on time and before the due date. I would have done better if I was more accurate when measuring the length and width of the shapes in Tinker CAD tutorials.


Your Tinker Cad creation was very simple and basic and I liked the way you added small details to the drawers by adding handles to it. You followed your sketch and your design specification which is good and there weren't any changes or differences between the sketch and the cupboard. Overall, the cupboard was everything that you said it was going to be in the design specification. The flowchart was very simple and easy to understand. It was informative and was easy to follow. I think that your creation is really good and even though it is not detailed it was a good idea and it looked like it was simple to create.

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