Wednesday 11 November 2015

Criteria D

Under Self Evaluation Post -Reflection on Criteria A 

Reflection on the research of printers
In this essay I research about printers. To be more specific about the history the types of printers and etc. We had to post all our research on blogger. I enjoyed this a lot because I got to explore about printers and learned many new things. I found it difficult when we had to find information about impact printer sand non- impact printers. There are not many websites that provided information about advantages and disadvantages. The thing that worked well the most is that I managed my time well since I missed a lesson and I submitted my work on time.The essay would be better id I had added more pictures and diagrams and decrease the amount of text to make it appealing and suitable to read.

Reflection on Tinker CAD tutorials
We had to explore tinker CAD and use the tutorials to develop or understanding. I enjoyed this because I have never used it before and it was very interesting and fun. I got to learn about designing 3D objects. I found it difficult to adjust the shapes because it was my first time and I was slightly confused but later I got the hang of it. The things that went well was I could successfully finish all the tutorials on time and before the due date. I would have done better if I was more accurate when measuring the length and width of the shapes in Tinker CAD tutorials.


Your Tinker Cad creation was very simple and basic and I liked the way you added small details to the drawers by adding handles to it. You followed your sketch and your design specification which is good and there weren't any changes or differences between the sketch and the cupboard. Overall, the cupboard was everything that you said it was going to be in the design specification. The flowchart was very simple and easy to understand. It was informative and was easy to follow. I think that your creation is really good and even though it is not detailed it was a good idea and it looked like it was simple to create.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Criteria B

Design 1

Design 2


I have chosen design 1 because it is more modern and has more organizers like shoe racks and accessories holder. It is better to have a more organized and neat closet/cupboard rather than having a messy cupboard. Design 1 has a mirror and more shelves and drawers. this will make the customer's life at ease and less complicated and will improve time management and will keep you balanced. When picking out clothes there will be no problems, especially when the customers is in a rush.

Design Specification

The cupboard is made of wood and it is antique brown in color.  The shape is not very bulky or small; it is a medium sized cupboard. It has a very modern finish with not a lot of patterns. It also has a very modern style.
Cost The cost is around 160 to 200 Dirhams for #d printing.
CostumerMy target customers are people who like to be organized and neat. People who are unorganized will find it easier to sort out their clothes into sections. This will make it easier for the person to pick out clothes.
Environmental ConsiderationThis is using wood, which is means trees are used. To make hundreds of these we will have to cut down a lot of tress or also called deforestation.
FunctionIt must help people to keep their cupboards more neater and organized. It can be maintained properly. This cupboard come along with a complimentary cleaning equipment with instructions on how to clean.
ManufacturingMost of the resources are available but will cost a lot of money. To create the design It will take a month to 3 months to make sure everything is prefect and precise.
MaterialsMost of the materials are available but it will take time to design the glass for the sliding door.
SafetyThere are many safety precautions. While designing we should avoid sharp edges. The glass sliding door should not be very or very heavy and flimsy. Overall the whole cupboard should have a good support, sturdiness and it should be build with high quality to last for a long period of time.
SizeThe size should be a moderated height and width Should not be very heavy and bulky.

Monday 28 September 2015

Criteria A

3D Design and Modeling- Inquiry and Analyzing

Father of Printing

Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg  also known as Johann Gutenberg, was a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher who introduced printing to Europe. he was born in the year 1398 and died on 1468 in Mainz, Germany. Johannes Gutenberg, around 1450 Johannes Gutenberg is known as the father of modern printing. because he invented single movable type metals for printing. till that time metals were used to print. but was not movable.He printed a Bible with this movable letters. which is known as Gutenberg's Bible. 

Impact and Non-Impact printers

Impact Printers

Non- Impact Printers

Evolution of Printers
Dot matrix Printer

It was invented by Robert Howard in 1970, it is a type of printer that makes characters and illustrations by striking pins against an ink ribbon to print closely spaced dots. The advantages if dot matrix printing is that Can print on multi-part forms or carbon copies, Low printing cost an it can be used on continuous form paper, useful for data logging. The advantages are that it can be noisy, the printing quality is bad and it has a low printing speed. 


Daisy wheel Printer

It was invented in 1969 by David S. Lee. The printer uses a metal or plastic disk consisting each of the letters, numbers, and other characters it supports. When something is printed, the printer rotates the disk to each character and then using a hammer strike each character into an ink ribbon to produce the character on paper. The advantages are the final print copy looks like it's been typed on a high quality typewriter and the print quality is high. The disadvantages are that they are noisy, slow and you must change the ribbon quite often.


Inkjet Printer
A type of printer that when ionized ink is sprayed at a sheet of paper. Magnetized plates in the ink's path direct the ink onto the paper in the desired shapes. it was invented by the company Siemens in 1977. The advantages are that it is one of the lowest cost products on the market, the size is suitable for offices and desk etc, it doesn't take long to print. The disadvantages are that ink cartridges are high in cost, the printing process is slower than laser and after printing you have to wit for the ink to dry for a little while.


Laser printer

It was invented by Gary Starkweather in 1969. It uses  a laser beam to produce an image on a drum. The light of the laser alters the electrical charge on the drum wherever it hits. the advantages are that it doesn't require ant ink cartridges, they are cheaper to operate and they supply waterproof printing. The disadvantages are that i is bulky, expensive to purchase and the toner is expensive.


Thermal Printer

It is a printer that uses heat to transfer characters in to paper. There are two kinds of thermal printers an they are direct thermal and thermal wax transfer. It was invented by Jack S. Kilby in 1965. The advantages are that they don't have any problems while printing even if the ink ribbon wrinkles and the Direct Thermal Printers don’t need capacity for ribbons. The disadvantages are that the printing speed tends to be slower and the labels cannot resist wit the sun's exposure. 

3D Printing
What is 3D printing?
3D Printing is a process where 3 dimensional shapes are produced from a digital file. The production of a 3D printed object is achieved when the 'additive process' utilized. In the additive process by laying down layers of materials until the entire object is created.
How does it work?

Technology behind 3D printing?

Chemicals are used and then it turns into a solid when a UV laser id shone on to it. The laser moves across the layer of liquid and it it draws the required design. Once the first layer is finished the resulting solid is lowered to allow a second thin layer of liquid to be deposited on its surface. The laser is then used to outline the design. More and more layers are built up until the final product is finished.

Who would use 3D Printing?
  • Architects
  • Medical industry: Bio - printing
  • Fashion Industry 
Where Could use Find 3D printers? 
3D printers are found in Medical labs and vehicle companies.

Design Situation

I am a student at Emirates International School, Dubai. As part of MYP design in term 1 we are using a software called Tinker Cad, which helps design 3D objects. In the first lesson we were . Computer Aided Design has evolved as a unique way of creating 2D and 3D Objects. It is used to create precision drawings or technical illustrations. As part of the MYP Project I have decided to design an closet or cupboard in 3D which can help designers rectify issues with previous designs. A CAD system is a combination of hardware and software that enables engineers and architects to design everything from furniture to airplanes. In addition to the software, CAD systems require a high-quality graphics monitor; a mouse, light pen, or digitizing tablet for drawing; and a special printer or plotter for printing design specifications. I have chosen this design because people are not very organized, when organizing it is hard to sort clothes. I want the customers to organizing at ease. The most important unique feature are the compartments or sections for clothes, shoes and accessories.

Design Brief

The design is a cupboard or closet. it has many features like shoe racks and accessory holder and my storage and organizers and makeup storage. it is very unique and different from other cupboards and closets. The shoe rack is great especially if you are a person who is very organized. The cupboard is made of wood in real life and the mirror comes in handy as well.

TinkerCAD Tutorials

TinkerCAD Objects