Monday 30 May 2016

Final Booklet Pages

Design Specification

Peer Evaluation

Name: Kalyani 
Name of evaluator: Avantika

Global Context Reflection

For creating the booklet I used 3 global contexts and they were Information literacy, communication and fairness and development. I have used all these skills accurately during the process of creating this booklet. First we did a powerpoint to get the basic ideas of storage devices. Then we went straight to the booklet. Firstly, i researched of what storage devices are and their history. Then I researched about the difference between internal and external devices and gave examples for a better understanding of this topic. Later, i looked up at three different storage devices (external and internal) and specified each of its features, this was presented in a table. I used information literacy skills by using different sources like the websites and videos and other media from the internet. The Information I researched was skimmed into smaller text making it easier for the little children to understand. I also used diagrams and pictures to make the booklet more appealing. I communicated my information in a way that younger children wouldn't have a difficulty in understanding and comprehending the information or research. I also added visuals and diagrams for the attraction of the booklet. I also added interesting facts in little speech bubbles to keep the audience or reader engaged throughout the booklet. I also used fairness because I had to balance the information in a way that it is understandable for children and has a professional look at the same time. 

Wednesday 4 May 2016

Criteria B - Developing Ideas

Design Specification

Design 1 and Annotations

Annotation Questions

How did you come up with the idea? Did something influence your thinking? 
I came up with this idea by using ideas or inspiration  from old cover pages that I have made in the past. I used ideas from my past cover pages and I also added my own twist to it. So I combined them together to create the cover page. I wanted to keep the cover page attractive but simple at the same time. 

How could the idea be made? What tools, equipment and processes would you use?
I think this could be made by using software or websites on the internet that is available or easy to access. For example: Microsoft word, pic monkey, photoshop, painter etc.

Could the design be made in the time available and with your skills?
I think the design can be created with the amount of time that is available. I think that with my designing and ICT skills or techniques I could create the design well. However,  If I improved some parts of the cover page, it would be more developed and advances. The idea behind creating the cover page on a software is not very hard since we know how to program them.

Is it safe?
The cover page is very safe. It is child oriented and very child friendly. The media, text and pictures used are appropriate. 

Do you think your client would like the idea?
I think my client or audience would like the over page since its appealing and attractive. the pop of colour is fun and eye catching. Kids would also like this because there are many pictures to look at. Kids don't like to read a lot. Therefore, kids like more visuals or diagrams. I think my cover page really does portray that. 

Why did you choose this colour/texture?
I chose to use very bright colours to make the cover page pop out and to attract the audience. The shapes that are located on the side of the page adds a very nice structure and layout for the cover page. I couloured the hexagons with warm colours. This is because warm colours generally don't bring that much attention to the audience. The purpose was for the title to sand out and not the shapes. The pictures and text are laid out in a specific format. A neat and structure layout always get's the audience's attention. The title is big and bold. 

Design 2 and Annotations


How did you come up with the idea? Did something influence your thinking?
I came up with the the design by making a brainstorm with all my thoughts and ideas and then I combined them together to create the cover page. I used drawing from my previous designs but i modified them. I have made the layout simple and straightforward. 

How could the idea be made? What tools, equipment and processes would you use?
I had first made a draft of the the cover page and then modified some parts of it. I think this could be made by using software or websites on the internet that is available or easy to access. For example: Microsoft word, pic monkey, photoshop, painter etc.

Is it safe?
The cover page is safe,It is child oriented and very child friendly. The media, text and pictures used are appropriate. 

Could the design be made in the time available and with your skills?

I think the design can be created with the amount of time that is available. I think that with my designing and ICT skills or techniques I could create the design well. However,  If I improved some parts of the cover page, it would be more developed and advances. The idea behind creating the cover page on a software is not very hard since we know how to program them.

Do you think your client would like the idea?
I think my client or audience would like the over page since its appealing. the pop of colour from the background makes it eye catching . Kids would also like this because there are many pictures to look at. 

Why did you choose this colour/texture?
I chose to use very bright colours to make the cover page pop out and to attract the audience.  I couloured the background lightly go make the text stand out. I made the title in bubble writing because it is bold and also stand out.The pictures and text are laid out in proper format. A neat and structure layout always get's the audience's attention. 


I chose design 1 because it was more suitable for kids and is also more attractive. I think the shapes was bringing out the pictures as well as the title. I also like the layout of design 1. The layout or format of design 1 is neat and well structure. Whereas, the structure of design 2 is laid out everywhere. The colour in design 1 is more brighter as well. I used Microsoft word and Google images to make this cover page. I was able to make the cover page in time of submission and annotate it in a separate page as well. All in all, I think design  is more suitable as the cover page.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Tech Fair 2016 Criterion A

Gesture Recognition Band

    Using a technique known as electromyography, this armband is able to read electrical signals from the muscles in your forearm, map them to gestures made with your hand, and control other devices with those gestures. The MYO gesture recognition armband uses a technique known as electromygraphy. This armband has the ability and identify hand gestures by portraying bio-metric signals in your arm. It was Invented by Stephen Lake ( The CEO of Thalmic Labs), Matthew Bailey and Aaron Grant.

       This armband will help the society in many ways. Firstly, it helps people's lives easier. This is better for more older people since they tend to be more weaker.

  • Allows for easier communication with technology for faster results
  • Lower cost of processors for better transition into everyday life
  • Simple gestures for an easier use for everyone
  • Convenient to carry



I think the research went well since i found a good invention. I used keywords like:gesture,recognition, electromyography, bio-metric, communication, technology and transition and gadgets. I didn't find the result in my first attempt. I had to research alot and search into detail. I faced 1 problem and that was when i had to find the benfits of society.

Power Point slides

Promotional Video

Self Evaluation

Peer evaluation By Avantika

Reflection By Avantika

Kalyani's blog is up to date and is very organized. All her work is up to date and very neatly presented. All the necessary work on her blog has been referenced. She has explained all her information in detail and is very clear and understandable.  She has chosen a very interesting product to analyze and has explained the features and basic information well and has referenced her work. Overall I think that her blog is very neat and all the posts are completed properly. To improve, I think she should use the Harvard referencing style and gather all her information from previous posts all into one post called Criterion A Tech Fair 2016.

Peer Evaluation

Group 1- William: 
William made a retro arcade video game called pixel Adventure. He used a website called Sploder. He had made nine levels.I liked that the game had different levels which got harder. He explained how to play the games and the keys to use for controlling.In the end, he played the game and demonstrated how to play.The first few levels were fun and engaging. However, There were no obstacles or challenges which made the game very easy to win. So he could improve his project by adding challenges or obstacles so the player is engaged throughout the game. I think there is a slight chance that he could get into the tech fair but if he adds some obstacles and harder levels.

Group 2- Magnus ans Amireza:
Magnus and Amirezza made a replica of BB-8 from Star Wars. They are still not done with the project. However, it is going great. The have almost finished the project. I really like this project since they have put a lot of effort and time into this and they have made it perfect ad they have done it in proper steps or stages. They could improve by adding some colour to the BB-8. I was also a little bit concerned about how they would make the head still and the body moving. I think that this could create a little problem. However, I think that this project deserves to be in the tech fair because it has a strong relation to technology and it also is a unique and creative project.

Group 3- Abdullah
Abdullah made a video game called Mugen. Different video game characters were in the game. This game was mostly involves fighting and action, 2 different video game characters went against each other. In the video game you get to choose your own characters. As you go into higher stages the game gets more challenging and this keeps you engaged throughout the whole game. During the demonstration he showed how to play the game which gave us a better understanding of the project. I think he could improve by adding more obstacles and more challenges and he could make more stages. This would make it more of a professional game. I think that his project has a slight chance that this could go into the tech fair. However, the are too many people who are making games. A tech fair project should be creative and unique. A game is not something where you can show your creative skills.

Group 4 - Rawan
Rawan made  a walking robotic dog. The robot works on a motor. I think this project is very interesting. However, she could add a bit more detail and additions to make it better.

Group 5-Francessco and Daniil
Francessco and Daniil made a remote igniter called Mr. Bigboom. In their presentation they explained how to launch the rocket and they explained it very clearly. They even showed their promo video which was well edited and clear. In their video they showed how the rocket igniter works with detailed images to display a clear understanding of the rocket. I would like to know the advantages and disadvantages of the rocket igniter. Also, I would like to know what materials they used and what challenges they faced. In their presentation they could have talked about how this rocket igniter is beneficial to our society and who would be the target customers. I think this might have a slight chance of being selected for the tech fair because their product was very interesting but was not related to technology. It was more of a science fair project.

Group 6- Josephine 
Josephine had created techllery. Techllery is jewelry that is made out of pieces of technology like phone and keyboards etc. She explained her product and talked about how she made it and what materials she used to make the product. Josephine made a necklace and a bracelet which looked very interesting and unique. She explained with clear pictures in her presentation and showed a picture of the final products. I would like to the product in more detail and what the pros and cons are of the product. I would also like to know what challenges she faced will creating the product. I don't think this project doesn't deserve to go to the tech fair because Josephine didn't put all her effort into the jewelry she made.

Group 7- Sahil and Rishabh
Rishabh and Sahil created a game called the first person shooter. They used a software called Blender to create their game. Their game seemed to be quite challenging and interesting. The game had different levels and as you go to higher levels their are more obstacles and it gets more challenging and harder. Their presentation was quite clearly explained. Therefore, they could have explained more on how the game is played and what are the rules of the game. The game is engaging and keeps the audience throughout the whole game since it gets harder as you go up each level. I think that they could have added more obstacle in the game. I think they deserve to go to the tech fair because they put a lot of effort into making the game. 

Group 8 - Salma and Tanya
Salma and Tanya created a CD lamp shade. The CD lamp shade is made of recyclable CD'S. CD'S are assembled in a form of a cube shape with an lamp inside them. The CD's are decorated with pieces of shattered CD'S that are painted in different colors. The powerpoint on their blog is very detailed and talked about the pros and cons of the lamp shade. They even mentioned how they made it and what materials they used to make it. I like that the made the lamp shade out of CD'S because it is creative and can be useful. I think they have taken time and effort into this lamp shade. I think they deserve to go to the tech fair because they did something creative and unique.

Group 9 - Zainab and Yasmeen
Their project was based on optical illusion CD art. In their presentations on their blog it talked about what is optical illusions and how we can used them in CD art. There was even a link of a youtube video on how CD art is useful. there were clear pictures of optical illusions and that gave me a better understanding of their project. When they talked about how optical illusions can be used in CD art, it was clear and well elaborated. They could add more info to the presentation. They could talk about the advantages and the disadvantages of this project or the materials they are using to create the CD art. Overall, I think there could be a chance that they could get into the project since it is different from other groups and is imaginative.

Group 10 - Mckaylin and Maria
foe the tech fair Maria and Mckaylin are making basic speakers. In their presentation on blog they talked about how the speakers work in detail. They talked about the pros and cons and cons of the project. They also talked about the materials needed to make the speakers. The whole presentation was intricate and detailed. However, they could talk more about how the speakers work and how it is beneficial to the society. I think they could get into the tech fair if the put a lot of effort and time into the project.

Group 11 - Sameer and Oliver
Sameer and Oliver created a remote control car that can carry food and drinks. It can also carry drinks up and down in any surface or location without spilling it.In their presentation they talked about what they are making and the hardware and software they are using to make the remote control car. They also mentioned the pros and cons 
in detail. In their presentation they could add more things since it was very short and brief. They could talk about how it works, how to make it, what materials are needed to make the car and how it is beneficial to our society. I think they have a chance of entering the tech fair since they are being inventive and trying something more challenging.

Group 12 - Aytmammet
Aytmammet created a speaker case. the speaker case is a basic case that you can attach to the speaker with velcro. As you can see in the presentation he has thought about all the minor details in the case and has explained the product thoroughly in detail. he explained the good and bad things about the project and has given a thorough explanation of how to use the speaker case. He could have included the procedure or the steps to follow to create the case and what materials are needed to create the case. Finally, he could explained how this product is useful or helpful. I think this product is not very tech fair related he could have added more technology based additions to make the overall product better.

Group 13 - Rozita and Tereza
Rozita and Tereza are making sculptures out of CD'S. and it lights up.  The are using broken CD pieces to create a skull sculpture. Their presentation talked about how they will be using each material to make the sculpture. They also talked about the materials and the pros and cons of the sculpture. I like their idea because it is appealing and eye catching and it is very unique. the product could also be beneficial and can be used in real life situations. It can also be a great decorating piece in your house. I think their presentation was very clear and well explained. In the presentation they could have included how the sculpture is helpful or useful. I think this project deserves to be chosen for the tech fair since it is creative and well thought out.
Group 14 - Aashna

Aashna made a video about global warming and raising awareness. The video gave an introduction about global warming and all the components of global warming and how it affects or impacts our environment. She also is raising awareness and explaining the negative factors of global warming that can impact our world in the future. The video is very easy to understand and comprehend since the language used is for children. The video is relatable to a real life situation and this make the audience get a better understanding of global warming. The powerpoint presentation talked about what is the content of the video in very detailed explanation. She also mentioned the pros and cons in detail as well. Overall, I think her project deserves to go to the tech fair because she has put a lot of effort and she has also speaking out and raising awareness about global warming and this is a very good way to educate people about global warming and its effects.

(I don't know what Mario's group made and what Daniyal made as well.)